Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm Amazed

I got my cardio in today! I  got off my lazy butt and went to the gym to walk on the treadmill. I had pandora turned on with my iPhone and I just got into a groove. I almost didn't want to stop! (But again, with the lazy behind, I did.) And even though I'm sore from yesterday and today, and I have a huge blister on the bottom of my foot, I feel great. I really have energy, I just feel happier. I know that change takes work, and the soreness is proof of that work, but right now I'm just happy that I finally took this step. I'm finally Running Towards My Life, for real.

First day of Training!

So yesterday I went to meet my trainer at one of the gyms on post. I got there, walked in the door, and was looking around at everything. A lady comes up to me and asks me what I'm doing. I answer that I was meeting my personal trainer (who is an Army wife as well) and she starts yelling at me that I can't meet her there unless she's sponsored by the gym and I need to leave and all this stuff. I calmly explained to her that I didn't know, I just moved here, I'd never been there before, I didn't know the rules. Plus I told her that we were both ID card holders and we could both be there. Then she starts yelling at me that it's posted up that I can't meet with an outside trainer and blah blah blah. Jeez, lady, give me a break!!

On the plus side, we did get to work out on the track outside, so I got some good vitamin D in. We did cardio and abs, and I'm really feeling it this morning. I need to get out and do cardio again today. Even though I'm sore, I feel great. I know that progress has begun and I can't wait to see the results!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's worse than I thought...

So I had a goal in my head of what I would like to weigh. In order to get to that weight, I would need to lose 50 pounds. But I just got my BMI and BFA results back. And in order to be in the "healthy" BMI and BFA ranges, I need to lose 70-80 pounds. I just didn't think that I had let myself go that far off the deep end. I'm still completely motivated to stick to my program and lose this extra weight, but I have a lot farther to go than I originally thought.

And that sucks.