Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So right now I feel like I'm being super lazy. I'm pumped to start this program to get me running, and I've bought the shoes, but I haven't done anything about it...and I won't for the next 2 weeks. I'm getting my house packed up next week (a scary thought in itself,) and then flying to Texas a few days afterward. Once I'm in Texas I'll start working on it. I'm excited to start this new chapter in my life, but I'm also stressing about the old one that is ending. It seems like you can't just smoothly transition from one phase to the next, but you have to have a major life changing big important transition. It's a little scary. I'm ready for it to be over with already. I want the new me.

My husband has talked about getting into long distance maybe eventually a marathon. Never in my life have I considered doing anything remotely close to that (a mile scares me) and now I am giving it thought. If I can start running, I don't want to do it half-way.....I want to do a marathon with my husband. It might take some time, like over a year, but eventually I would like to be able to do it.

I've talked about a program that I'll start, but I haven't said what it is. It's a six week long program that starts you off walking, and has you running for 30 minutes straight 3 times a week at the end. The first week, Monday is a 10 minute walk. Wed, 20 min walk. Fri, 30 min walk. Week two has me running already. Mon, walk 4.5 min, run .5 min (6 times, for a total of 30 min) Wed walk 4 min, run 1 min. (for 30 min.) Fri walk 3.5 min, run 1.5 min (3o min again.) So each time I go out and do this, I shave half a minute off of the walk time, and add it to the run time. The sixth week has me running the full 30 min. I'm excited for this change and this opportunity. And I love my wonderful husband for finding me this program. He asked his doctor what would be good for someone who has never run a day in their life (if they could help it) to start running, and this is what she gave us.

Thats all for me today....The Lord Bless you and Keep you


  1. Praying for you sweet friend. I know transitions are hard, I just went through one myself. Lean on God through the whole process and take the time to listen to what He might be teaching you through it.

  2. I love reading your blog and getting to know what your thoughts are. Helps me to know how to pray for you.

    You might try a first "big" goal to be a half-marathon, or a 5K even, you decide. I would encourage you when you are in NC, you might research a 5K that will take place in the summer or something like's a place to start. Something to set your sights on.

    For me, I'm setting my sights on getting back on the treadmill tomorrow. Yesterday was good, and I felt fine, but I only did 21 minutes. Tomorrow will be 30 minutes. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I'm seeing my doctor today about help with my weight, so we'll see how this goes.

    Love, Mom
