Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Motivation, where are you? Love Me

I'm sick of sitting around, not doing anything. I'm sick of not working out (as backwards to my old life as that is.) But even with my accountability calls every morning ~wink you know who you are~ I can't find the motivation to get on my treadmill. I say, "Oh I'll do it after I've finished this cup of coffee." But then I need to wait after my coffee and by then I lose it. I need to start running towards my life again. I need to get my health and my weight in check now, before it becomes too big of a hurdle later in life. Why can't I do this on my own?

1 comment:

  1. Most people can't do it all on their own. Usually, there are people around that give encouragement and support in some way. I think a lot of it is about "tapping into" that support.

    I borrowed this from someone my age who has lost weight successfully:

    1. DON'T DIET - adopt a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle does not have a “finish line.” It is what you do for the rest of your life and it lets you KEEP your results for life...

    2. PLAN - Without a road map, we get nowhere! Write out specific goals and a plan of action. Be detailed. WHAT, HOW, WHEN, WHERE and even WHY are important questions to answer.

    3. Get a complete physical before you start.

    4. Clean out your cabinets and refrigerator. Get rid of all the junk – I don’t care if you bought it yesterday!

    5. Eat 1200-1550 calories per day.


    7. Eat small meals every three hours - you'll never be hungry.

    8. PORTION CONTROL is vital. Measure, weigh and track everything you eat. Use the SparkPeople Food Tracker regularly.

    9. Start exercising right from the start (cardio AND resistance training) but at a MODERATE pace. Don’t burn out - it will be easier to stick with it!

    10. As fitness improves, challenge yourself. GRADUALLY increase time and intensity.

    11. LIFT WEIGHTS. It builds muscle, prevents sagginess, boosts metabolism, and sculpts your body. The older you are, the more important weight training is!

    12. EAT CLEAN - fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, olive oils, whole grains and legumes. Read labels - eliminate sugar, avoid high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats. Keep junk out of the house...

    13. COOK CLEAN - broil, steam, stir fry or bake.

    14. ENJOY an occasional treat, in moderation.

    15. BANISH GUILT. Guilt is paralyzing, counterproductive, demoralizing and useless. If you deviate, learn from it and pick up where you left off. Don't use that as an excuse to throw in the towel and quit...

    16. Be patient! This will take time and effort and everything you do is cumulative.

    17. BELIEVE in yourself and in the power within you to make changes.

    18. Be consistent. Do something every day to get closer to your goal.

    19. No matter what - DO NOT QUIT!

    20. Realize that as you get older, your metabolism and food needs change. You may need to consume fewer calories and perhaps exercise more to maintain. Accept it and just do it!

    I especially liked #15 & #16! We CAN do this!
    Love ya~ Mom
