Monday, July 14, 2014

I'm sensing a recurring theme here...

I just read through all my old posts (and I say all like there's so many of them.) The thing that I seem to struggle with the most is motivation. I had 3 or 4 posts specifically mentioning "motivation" in the title!

I was going to begin C25K this morning, but per usual, my day was thrown off. My Hero had a late show for work, my baby had a fever, and I had an eye appointment. That doesn't mean I can't start tomorrow though!

That's it....tomorrow I'm going to start C25k. The end.

How's that for motivation?

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Motivation, where art thou, motivation?

It seems I have no will power. I start a program, do great for 3 days, and then get busy for the rest of the week. So the next week, I try again, do great for 3 days, and then have an off day, so I say I'll start again the next week. But I never do. I give up. I'm a quitter. I wish I could find the inner drive that so many people seem to have when it comes to exercise and losing weight. I'm still way up over my pre-pregnancy weight. I've lost about 8 pounds since my daughter was born last year, and she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz.

I like to think I eat generally healthy, but let's be honest. I eat out. A ton. And my portions are way too big. Now, I have starting eating more vegetables since my daughter eats solid foods now. I incorporate them into our meals so that all of us are getting more veggies. It's still not enough.

I don't want a miracle pill. I don't want a MLM scheme where I have to purchase a $100 DVD set (that I'll end up not using in 3 weeks.) I don't believe that wraps work, or in the drinks that promise to help you lose weight fast. You know why they work? Because you replace a whole meal (or meals!) with a drink. I like food too much for that to work for me. And I don't think it's a good idea for my girl to grow up thinking that just a drink is ok instead of having a proper meal.

I need recipes. I need ideas. I need motivation to get up off my butt and work out. I'm thinking about C25K. I'll be doing some research on it.

Are there any tasty recipes out there that have a lot of flavor, but not a lot of work or fat?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Texas Challenge

So this week I drove halfway across the country, to my mother-in-love's house. I'll be staying here for a month, just spending time with my Hero's family. I also challenged my dearest mother to help us both on our weight loss journies. We will lose 10 pounds by the time I get to her house on the 15th or 16th of December. That would put me in the 160's! So on Monday, after I've recovered from my drive, I'll be hitting the gym at the local base. I'm excited to see my body continue to change and get healthier!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sometimes it can't be the way you planned. You don't have to color inside the lines. So this is a "sometimes." I'm not gonna write about health, fitness, or losing weight.

Tonight I'm gonna write about being lonely. As this day is drawing to a close, I think about you. And I miss you. I wish you were here. I wish I could lay my head on your chest and fall asleep listening to the beat of your heart. I wish I didn't have to do it all. I wish we could take turns walking the dog. I wish....I wish you didn't have to be gone. I miss you. I wish I didn't have to miss you. Come home. Soon. Please?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tomorrow is not another day one

So my mother has started blogging (shout out to you mommsie). Maybe I should take my own advice and write a little myself?

Update on the weight loss process: since April 4, 2011 when I started this whole journey, I've lost 18 pounds. I don't know what my BMI or anything looks like now, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to figure out...

After looking at a chart that my wonderful trainer gave me in the beginning, it looks like my BMI should be 30, which is almost out of the "obese" category, and into just the "overweight" category. Let me just say 'WOOHOO!!" That's very exciting news for me. ~does a little happy dance~

And I have kept up my promise with my honey. I have been using my treadmill, not as a clothes rack, but as it was intended to be used. I read my Kindle (thanks again honey) while I put in my time on what I affectionally call the Dreadmill. Hopefully I'll have met my goal of 44 total pounds by the time I see Honey in March. I've got 6 months, and 26 more pounds to go. I can do this.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dear Motivation, where are you? Love Me

I'm sick of sitting around, not doing anything. I'm sick of not working out (as backwards to my old life as that is.) But even with my accountability calls every morning ~wink you know who you are~ I can't find the motivation to get on my treadmill. I say, "Oh I'll do it after I've finished this cup of coffee." But then I need to wait after my coffee and by then I lose it. I need to start running towards my life again. I need to get my health and my weight in check now, before it becomes too big of a hurdle later in life. Why can't I do this on my own?

Monday, May 30, 2011


So today is the beginning of my 9th week. I feel AWESOME! I have so much more energy, and I'm generally a happier person. Things don't bother me as much. I enjoy each day more than I did before. I don't dread getting on my new (thanks honey!!) treadmill. I look forward to my workouts. And I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I feel like I'm eating healthier and I'm enjoying my food. And I have reached more milestones. I can lift more weight than I could at the beginning. I can run/jog half a mile without stopping. I don't feel like I'm dying with each breath I take. I've lost 7  1/2 pounds. I am in a size smaller jeans. I FEEL GREAT!!